'Winter dry skin' is dry skin that develops during the cold winter season.
Winter dry skin can be caused by cold temperatures, low humidity, harsh winds and sun exposure.
Winter dry skin appears dry, rough, and may scale and flake. It may also show premature signs of aging, like fine lines, surface wrinkles and loss of elasticity.
This article will discuss:
- What is winter dry skin?
- Effects of cold weather on skin
- What causes winter dry skin?
- Cold temperature causes winter dry skin
- Low humidity causes winter dry skin
- Wind exposure causes winter dry skin
- Sun exposure causes winter dry skin
- Summary
- References
What is winter dry skin?
'Winter dry skin' is dry skin that develops during the cold winter season.
Winter dry skin appears dry, rough, and may scale and flake. It may also show premature signs of aging, like fine line, surface wrinkles and loss of elasticity.
Winter dry skin is lacking water, humectants and fats. Humectants absorb and hold water, while fats coat the skin and seal in moisture. When there is not enough water, humectants or fats, skin barrier disruption can occur, further worsening symptoms of dry skin.
Winter dry skin can have a wide spectrum of symptoms - from mild dryness and flaking to severe itching, redness and pain.
Learn more: Winter Dry Skin - What is it?
Effects of cold weather on skin
In Canada, the winter weather is harsh and can wreak havoc on your skin.
Cold to freezing temperatures can damage your dry skin. Furthermore, cold temperatures often mean low humidity, which also dries out your skin. Bitterly cold winds can also strip moisture from exposed skin. And during the winter there is also potential for UV damage from sun exposure.
What causes winter dry skin?
It is broadly accepted that skin barrier functions may be negatively affected by winter conditions (reviewed by Engebretsen et al, 2016), including:
- cold temperature
- low humidity
- wind exposure
- sun exposure
1. Cold temperatures cause winter dry skin
As the skin temperature gets lower, your skin first perceives thermal discomfort, then cold and cold pain. At the same time, your skin loses finer elements of tactile sensation, it feels numb and at the end of this development your skin does not sense even pain any more (Eero et al 2002).
What is frostbite?
Anyone who has felt the sting of frostbite knows that cold temperatures can damage your skin.
Frostbite can occur during cold-weather activities when the temperature is below 0°C (<32°F). When skin temperature is -4°C (25°F), ice crystals form in the blood, causing mechanical damage, inflammation, thrombosis, and cellular death. Lower temperatures, higher wind speeds, and moisture exacerbate the process (Knapik et al, 2020).
2. Low humidity causes winter dry skin
Daily insults from the environment, such as low humidity, wind, and sun, can lower the skin's water content, causing improper desquamation and the appearance of dry, flaky skin (Verdier-Sévrain et al, 2007).
Water is essential for the normal functioning of the skin
The water content of skin is remarkably high - the epidermis (the outer skin layer) contains more than 70% water, while its outermost layer, the stratum corneum has been shown to contain ~15 - 25% water (Warner et al, 1988; Caspers et al, 2001; Caspers et al, 2003).
Adequate hydration of the stratum corneum serves three major functions (Fowler, 2012):
- it maintains plasticity of the skin, protecting it from damage
- it contributes to optimum stratum corneum barrier function
- it allows hydrolytic enzymes to function in the process of desquamation
When the water content of the stratum corneum falls below 10%, scaling on the skin surface becomes visible (Rycroft, 1985).
Learn more: What is Dehydrated Skin?
Dehydrated skin is at risk of damage
When your skin is exposed to a dry environment, it could be more susceptible to mechanical stress (Engebretsen et al, 2016; Wildnauer et al, 1971).
Studies in humans demonstrated a reduction in transepidermal water loss (TEWL) (a measure of the integrity of the skin's barrier function) with low humidity, alterations in the water content in the stratum corneum, decreased skin elasticity and increased roughness (Goad et al, 2016).
A study on dry facial skin found a higher dryness score with low temperatures, high wind speed and low humidity (Cooper et al, 1992) and as little as 15 min of cold and dry air has been proven to significantly decrease skin hydration (Roure et al, 2012). These data suggest that a reduction in temperature leads to a decrease in skin hydration and transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and that this effect is stronger when relative humidity is low (Cooper et al, 1992; Roure et al, 2012).
Factory workers and aircrew personnel who work in ultra-dry working conditions showed more frequent skin symptoms and higher prevalence of atopic dermatitis than those of controls (Sato et al, 2003; Chou et al, 2007).
What is best humidity level for skin?
It is generally thought that humidity levels within occupied spaces should not exceed 60%, and when levels of humidity fall to around 30% or below, occupants begin to feel thermal discomfort (Goad et al, 2016).
3. Strong wind causes winter dry skin
Strong cold winds can also strip moisture from exposed skin and disrupt the skin barrier.
In a study with healthy woman, a decrease in skin hydration and an increase in dryness score were found after the exposure to cold and dry wind (Roure et al, 2012).
4. Sun exposure causes winter dry skin
Ultraviolet (UV) exposure from sunlight can damage dry skin.
UV energy includes UVA, UVB and UVC radiation. Each component of UV can exert a variety of effects on cells, tissues and molecules (D'Orazio et al, 2013).
Chronic exposure to UV irradiation leads to dry skin, photoaging, immunosuppression, and ultimately skin cancer (Matsumura et al, 2004).
UV exposure can also lead to oxidative stress and free radical damage.
Free radicals are unstable molecules or atoms that can damage skin cells.
Free radicals are generated by daily environmental damage - such as UV radiation from the sun and air pollution. Free radicals cause destruction to your cells and tissues, and accelerate skin aging (Masaki et al, 2010).
In temperate latitudes, UV peaks on the summer solstice and is lowest at the winter solstice (Sliney et al, 2006), though indirect, diffuse UV can still be high in winter (Kerr et al, 2005; Reiter et al, 1982; Blumthaler et al, 1988).
The UV Index is low during the winter in Canada, but skiing and other outdoor winter activities can increase your exposure. Bright white surfaces like snow can double your exposure to UV. If you are skiing or doing other activities in the mountains, you will receive even more UV due to the elevation.
UV exposure from the sun is still a concern during the winter months in Canada and proper sunscreen or sunblock should be worn when spending time outdoors.
'Winter dry skin' is dry skin that develops during the cold winter season.
Winter dry skin is caused by cold temperatures, low humidity, harsh winds and sun exposure.
Cold to freezing temperatures can damage your skin barrier. Furthermore, cold temperatures often mean low humidity, which also dries out your skin. Bitterly cold winds can also strip moisture from exposed skin. And during the winter there is also potential for UV damage from sun exposure.
Dry winter skin appears dry, rough, and may scale and flake. It may also show premature signs of aging, like fine lines, surface wrinkles and loss of elasticity.
It is important to protect your skin against winter weather.
How are you protecting your dry skin this winter?
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Author Information

Dr. Natasha Ryz is a scientist, skin care expert and an entrepreneur. She is the founder of Dry Skin Love Skincare, and she creates skincare products for beauty, dry skin and pain relief.
Dr. Ryz has a PhD in Experimental Medicine from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, and she is a Vanier scholar. She also holds a Master of Science degree and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg.
Natasha is the former Chief Science Officer of Zenabis Global, and she oversaw extraction, analytics, and product development. Her team brought 20 products to market including oils, sprays, vapes and softgels.
Why I Started A Skincare Company